As we progress in our Yogic journey, a desire arises to learn advance yogic practices and techniques. This course will help you establish your sadhana (practice) and make you a better learner to impart the same to many more. Find out more about this advanced-level teacher’s course in yoga.
JOB Avenues – Certified Yoga Teacher becomes eligible to teach Yoga for prevention of illness and promotion of wellness in schools, Yoga studios, workplaces, Yoga wellness centres, Health Resorts etc.
Eligibility – 10th Std & 18 Years of Age
Duration – 200 Hours in six months (weekend only)
Practical : Theory = 60 : 40 I.E. 120 Hours: 80 Hours
Minimum Contact Hours = 80% IE. 160 Hours
Practical – Total Contact hours = 96 Hours
Theory – Total Contact Hours = 64 Hours
Discounted Price for Indian students only
Course Fee without stay and food – offline or online mode (INR): 15000 INR for Indian students only
Maximum group size: 15
Class Schedule – Saturday / Sunday — online only or mix of online + Offline Class – Total 10+ – Hrs in two days ( 2.5 hr morning offline or online – 2.5 hr evening online only )
Scholarship for Needy Students – Scholarship and Rebates are available for poor/needy intelligent candidates but deserving only subject to a written/Practical test on Yoga and an interview cleared as per management rules .A separate written request can be submitted with a special note ( Max 200 words )to [email protected] .
- Six Months Yoga course- Online and Offline modules
- Live sessions by a certified professional faculty
- Available for national students
- Accommodation available for international and national students
- Learn while enjoying a natural living experience of the yogic lifestyle
- Live online sessions will be held over Zoom, Google Duo or Microsoft Teams
- For Online sessions’ time zone: Dharamshala, India (India Standard Time, GMT 5.5)
- English instruction. Hindi English .
- Course can start as soon as you sign up
- Self-paced is possible upon discussion with the teacher
- Internship- A practical exposure to teach as Yoga Instructor – All candidates are given an opportunity to hold Yoga Classes as Instructor in our Campus Yoga classes to make participants have full confidence in their capabilities as Yoga Instructor
Yoga styles
- Hatha Yoga
- Traditional Yoga
- Ashtanga Yoga
- Special sessions on Kurunta (Rope)Yoga (inspired By Iyengar )
What’s not included
- Yoga books( But available on nominal price cost to cost )
- Yoga Certification Board (Govt. of India) Yoga Exam fees
Cancellation/Refund Policy
- A Booking / reservation requires a deposit of minimum 50% of the total price as per course options opted . Remaining payable before joining the class .
- For cancelling the registration before the start of the course, the original payment will be refunded less:
15 % ie. INR payments of the payment made – any time after booking until three months
25 % after 3 Months to the start of course date
Refund after Joining the course – If student leaves within 3 days after joining the class The course fee mentioned without stay and food option will not be refunded for reason whatsoever. Where as other amount paid for food and stay shall be paid back as per the days stayed as per total package cost with in 3 days . After 3 days of joining – The whole amount deposited is non-refundable .
Full refund will only be granted where SYIWR has had to cancel the programme.
Start Dates : Self Paced ( Separate Dates can be offered subject to availability – Drop separate request email on [email protected] )
Theory Topics Syllabus
Section 1 Philosophy | Bhagavad Gita |
Indian Philosophy | 39. Name of Author |
1. Astika & Nastika Darsanas (Classification and Names of Founders) | 40. No. of Chapters |
2. Common Characteristics of Indian Philosophy | 41. General Understanding of Karma, Bhakti & Jnana Yoga |
Samkhya Darshana | Upanishads |
3. Dualism: Purusa & Prakrti Avidya | 42. Meaning of ‘Upanishad’ |
4. Names of 25 Tattvas and Tri Gunas | 43. Names of 10 Main Upanishads |
Yoga Darshana (Patanjali Yoga Sutras) | Vedas |
5. Names of 4 Padas | 44. Meaning of ‘Veda’ |
6. The Ashtangas (Bahiranga & Antaranga) | 45. Names of Vedas |
7. Names of Antarayas | Puranas |
8. Names of Vrittis & Klesas | 46. Name of Author |
9. Cittaprasadana technique | 47. Basic understanding of Puranas |
10. Names of Samadhi states | Section 3A Anatomy & Physiology: Medical Science & Yoga |
11. General understanding of Siddhi / Vibhuti | A. Anatomy & Physiology as per Medical Science |
Etymological Meanings & Definitions of ‘Yoga’ | 48. Names of 9 Main Systems and Organs in each system |
Meanings of ‘Yoga ’ | 49. Main Functions of Organs |
12. Yujir-yoge | B. Yogic Anatomy & Physiology as per Yoga |
13. Yuj-samyoga | 50. Prana and names of 10 Pranas |
14. Yuj-samyamne Yuj-samadhi | 51. Nadi & names of Nadis |
Definitions of ‘ Yoga ’ | 52. Ashta Chakras & Names of Granthis |
15. PYS Def Ch I – S: 2 | 53. Kundalini |
BG – 2 | Section 3B Human Psychology as per Yoga |
16. Samatvam Yoga Uchyate; | Personality theories |
17. Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam | 54. Names and Main characteristics of Tri- Gunas |
Salient features of Indian Culture | 55. Names of 5 Citta Bhumis |
Only Names & brief understanding | 56. Personality as per Samkhya Darsana: Prakrti (Sthula, Sukshma & Karana Shariras) + Purusa; |
18. Sanatana Dharma | 57. Panchamaya (Panchakosha) theory as already considered in earlier section. |
19. Vaidic Dharma | Concept of Mind |
20. Anekantavada | 58. Names of elements of Antahkarana in Samkhya: Buddhi, Ahamkar & Manas. |
21. Ashrama Dharma | 59. Concept of Citta in PYS |
22. Purusharthas | Life Style Considerations |
23. Guru-Shishya Parampara | 60. Diet: Mitahar as per HP; |
24. Karma & Law of Karma | 61. Bhagavad Gita: Diet, rest, relaxation, exertion, etc |
25. Dharma | 62. Elaboration of Yogic Life style |
Section 2 Basic Texts of Yoga | Introduction to Ayurveda |
Patanjali Yoga Sutras | 63. Meaning of ‘Ayurveda’ |
26. Over-view of 1st and 2nd Padas | 64. Doshas |
Sutras by heart | 65. Concept of Health (Swasthya) |
27. Definition (Ch:I S-2); | Section 4 Teaching of Yoga |
28. Ashtanga Yoga (Ch:II S- 29); | 66. Teaching Methods (Instruction; Observation; Demonstration; Correction) |
29. Asana (Ch:II S-46); | 67. Teaching Aids |
30. Pranayama (Ch:II S-49) | 68. Communication Skills |
Hatha Pradipika (HP) & Gheranda Samhita (GS) | 69. Verbal & Non-verbal |
31. Brief Understanding of Hatha Yoga | 70. Ideal Qualities of Teacher |
Hatha Pradipika | 71. Conducive Environment |
32. Names of 4 angas | 72. Safety measures |
33. Names of 15 Asanas | 73. Guideline as regards framework of Professional Practice |
34. Names of Shat Kriyas Names of 8 | |
35. Kumbhakas | |
36. Names of 10 Mudras | |
37. Badhak Tattva / Sadhak Tattva | |
Gheranda Samhita | |
38. Names of Saptangas |
Practical topics syllabus
Section 1 | SukshmaVyayama / Preparatory Practices / Sandhi Chalana kriya |
1 | Institution-specific |
Section 2 | Shuddhi Kriyas |
2 | Dhauti: Vaman Dhauti; Agnisaar |
3 | Neti: Jal Neti |
4 | Tratak |
5 | Kapalbhati |
6 | Theoretical Knowledge as regards Basti & Nauli |
Section 3 | Asanas |
Three Meditative Asanas | |
7 | Padmasana |
8 | Vajrasana |
9 | Svastikasana |
Four Standing Asanas | |
10 | Tadasana |
11 | Ekpadasana |
12 | Trikonasana |
13 | Padahastasana |
Three Kneeling Asanas | |
14 | Ushtrasana |
15 | Marjarasana |
16 | Shashankhasana |
Six Sitting Asanas | |
17 | Bhadrasana |
18 | Simhasana |
19 | Gaumukhasana |
20 | Vakrasana |
21 | Parvatasana |
22 | Paschimottanasana |
Five Prone Asanas | |
23 | Bhujangasana |
24 | Shalabhasana |
25 | Dhanurasana |
26 | Naukasana |
27 | Makarasana |
Six Supine Asanas | |
28 | Pavanmuktasana |
29 | Setubandhasana |
30 | Matsyasana |
31 | Uthitapadahastasana |
32 | Halasana |
33 | Shavasana |
One Inverted Asanas | |
34 | Sarvangasana |
Section 4 | Suryanamaskar |
35 | Suryanamaskar (Traditional with 12 Poses) (Can be School- Specific) |
Section 5 | Pranayama |
36 | Sectional Breathing |
37 | Yogic Breathing |
38 | Nadishodhana |
Kumbhakas without Bandhas | |
39 | Suryabhedana |
40 | Ujjayi |
41 | Shitkari |
42 | Shitali |
43 | Bhramari |
Section 6 | Mudras |
44 | Chin / Jnana Mudra |
45 | Padma Mudra |
46 | Agochari Mudra (Nasikagra Drishthi) |
47 | Shambhavi (Bruhmadhya Drishthi) |
48 | Viparitakarani |
49 | Mahamudra |
Section 7 | Mantras |
50 | Pranava japa |
51 | Shanti Mantra: Can be school specific |
Section 8 | Meditation |
52 | Swaraj Heart purification |
Section 9 | Teaching Practice |
53 | Institution-specific |

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