IYA Teacher Training Course

Certificate Course in Yoga Teacher’s Training Course

Let us progress in our Yogic journey with this yoga course that make us all yoga teachers. This is a teacher’s training course (Yoga TTC) that can be a gateway to become a teacher in yoga. Find out more about this entry-level teacher’s course in yoga.

Aim of Certification

The aim is to produce Yoga professionals such that an IYA certified professional will have minimum / basic common standards of Yoga knowledge and expertise irrespective of which institute he or she is certified from. These standards will become the hallmark of Yoga all over the world.

Certification :Certification : Indian Yoga Association permanent certificate – IYA, Free Yoga Professional membership with IYA & Eligibility to appear for Exam – YPI -Yoga Certification Board (YCB) Govt. of India

How will it benefit the member?

It is advantageous for individuals to get certified under this scheme of IYA because IYA will maintain a portal on its website detailing the list and individual details of certified Yoga professionals under this scheme. This will provide more job and service opportunities.

Job Avenues : Certified Yoga Professionals can teach basics of Yoga/Common Yoga Protocol etc. on International Day of Yoga for prevention of diseases and promotion of health. They can also conduct Yoga practice/classes. For e.gin parks, societies, RWA etc.

What is the Role of Indian Yoga Association?

IYA will provide the Syllabi for the Various Courses and Accredit Member Institutes for conducting the courses. Swaraj Yoga Institute & Wellness Retreats is an accredit member for this course.
Certificates once issued by the Member Institutes to candidates on successfully completing the Courses will be permanent. IYA reserves the right to and will conduct audit checks on the Courses to be conducted by the Member Institutes.

Duration for offline  (in weeks): Four weeks for full time at Dharamshala campus

Maximum group size: 10

Dharamkot, Dharamshala HP campus Dates : 1st of every month from April to November

Jammu Centre dates: 11 Nov 2024, 14 Jan 2025, 17 Feb 2025

Online : Customized dates on request

Course Highlights

  • 200 hr IYA Yoga Teacher Training  Course-Online and Offline modules
  • You become eligible for YCB Ministry of Ayush Govt of India  Exam Level 1-Yoga protocol Instructor too
  • Live sessions by a certified professional faculty
  • Available for national and international students
  • Accommodation available for international and national students
  • Learn while enjoying a natural living experience of the yogic lifestyle
  • Live online sessions will be held over Zoom, Google Duo or Microsoft Teams
  • For Online sessions’ time zone: Dharamshala, India (India Standard Time, GMT 5.5)
  • English instruction. Hindi, Himachali, Punjabi language can be provided if needed.
  • Course can start as soon as you sign up
  • Self-paced is possible upon discussion with the teacher

Yoga styles

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Traditional Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Special sessions on Kurunta (Rope)Yoga (inspired By Iyengar )

Eligibility – 10th Std & 18 Years of Age

Duration – 200 Hours

Practical : Theory = 60 : 40 I.E. 120 Hours: 80 Hours

Minimum Contact Hours = 80% IE. 160 Hours

Practical – Total Contact hours = 96 Hours

Theory – Total Contact  Hours = 64 Hours

Syllabus—Theory Topics

Section 1 PhilosophyBhagavad Gita
Indian Philosophy39. Name of Author
1. Astika&NastikaDarsanas (Classification and Names of Founders)40. No. of Chapters
2. Common Characteristics of Indian Philosophy41. General Understanding of Karma, Bhakti & Jnana Yoga
Samkhya DarshanaUpanishads
3. Dualism: Purusa&Prakrti Avidya42. Meaning of ‘Upanishad’
4. Names of 25 Tattvas and Tri Gunas43. Names of 10 Main Upanishads
Yoga Darshana (Patanjali Yoga Sutras)Vedas
5. Names of 4 Padas44. Meaning of ‘Veda’
6. The Ashtangas (Bahiranga&Antaranga)45. Names of Vedas
7. Names of AntarayasPuranas
8. Names of Vrittis&Klesas46. Name of Author
9. Cittaprasadana technique47. Basic understanding of Puranas
10. Names of Samadhi states Section 3A Anatomy & Physiology: Medical Science & Yoga
11. General understanding of Siddhi / VibhutiA. Anatomy & Physiology as per Medical Science
Etymological Meanings & Definitions of ‘Yoga’48. Names of 9 Main Systems and Organs in each system
Meanings of ‘Yoga ’49. Main Functions of Organs
12. Yujir-yogeB. Yogic Anatomy & Physiology as per Yoga
13. Yuj-samyoga50. Prana and names of 10 Pranas
14. Yuj-samyamneYuj-samadhi51. Nadi& names of Nadis
Definitions of ‘ Yoga ’52. Ashta Chakras & Names of Granthis
15. PYS Def Ch I – S: 253. Kundalini
BG – 2 Section 3B Human Psychology as per Yoga
16. Samatvam Yoga Uchyate;Personality theories
17. YogahaKarmasuKaushalam54. Names and Main characteristics of Tri- Gunas
Salient features of Indian Culture55. Names of 5 Citta Bhumis
Only Names & brief understanding56. Personality as per Samkhya Darsana: Prakrti (Sthula, Sukshma& Karana Shariras) + Purusa;
18. Sanatana Dharma57. Panchamaya (Panchakosha) theory as already considered in earlier section.
19. Vaidic DharmaConcept of Mind
20. Anekantavada58. Names of elements of Antahkarana in Samkhya: Buddhi, Ahamkar& Manas.
21. Ashrama Dharma59. Concept of Citta in PYS
22. PurusharthasLife Style Considerations
23. Guru-Shishya Parampara60. Diet: Mitahar as per HP;
24. Karma & Law of Karma61. Bhagavad Gita: Diet, rest, relaxation, exertion, etc
25. Dharma62. Elaboration of Yogic Life style
  Section 2 Basic Texts of YogaIntroduction to Ayurveda
Patanjali Yoga Sutras63. Meaning of ‘Ayurveda’
26. Over-view of 1st and 2nd Padas64.  Doshas
Sutras by heart65. Concept of Health (Swasthya)
27. Definition (Ch:I S-2); Section 4 Teaching of Yoga
28. Ashtanga Yoga (Ch:II S- 29);66. Teaching Methods (Instruction; Observation; Demonstration; Correction)
29. Asana (Ch:II S-46);67. Teaching Aids
30. Pranayama (Ch:II S-49)68. Communication Skills
Hatha Pradipika (HP) &Gheranda Samhita (GS)69. Verbal & Non-verbal
31. Brief Understanding of Hatha Yoga70. Ideal Qualities of Teacher
Hatha Pradipika71. Conducive Environment
32. Names of 4 angas72. Safety measures
33. Names of 15 Asanas73. Guideline as regards framework of Professional Practice
34. Names of Shat Kriyas Names of 8 
35. Kumbhakas 
36. Names of 10 Mudras 
37. Badhak Tattva / Sadhak Tattva 
Gheranda Samhita 
38. Names of Saptangas 

Syllabus— Practice Topics

Section 1SukshmaVyayama / Preparatory Practices / Sandhi Chalana kriya
Section 2Shuddhi Kriyas
2Dhauti: VamanDhauti; Agnisaar
3Neti: Jal Neti
6Theoretical Knowledge as regards Basti &Nauli
Section 3Asanas
Three Meditative Asanas
Four Standing Asanas
Three Kneeling Asanas
 Six Sitting Asanas
Five Prone Asanas
Six Supine Asanas
One Inverted Asanas
Section 4Suryanamaskar
35Suryanamaskar (Traditional with 12 Poses) (Can be School- Specific)
Section 5Pranayama
36Sectional Breathing
37Yogic Breathing
Kumbhakas without Bandhas
Section 6Mudras
44Chin / Jnana Mudra
45Padma Mudra
46Agochari Mudra (NasikagraDrishthi)
47Shambhavi (BruhmadhyaDrishthi)
Section 7Mantras
51Shanti Mantra: Can be school specific
Section 8Meditation
Section 9Teaching Practice

Check-in Time:


Check-out Time:


During the training program, you will be comfortably- accommodated with eco friendly type accommodations and if all booked then you shall be accommodated  in our approved associate Rooms  just in walking distance around our place  with  all facilities as per guidelines mentioned here- . The  rooms are  on sharing as well as the private basis with comfortable bed and bedding , Bathrooms ( attached and non-attached options ) and other basic facilities .

During the retreat program, you will be comfortably accommodated  in our approved associate Rooms.

As our campus is amidst the beauty of nature  with plenty of trees ,flowers ,  Himalayan birds and farming fields all around ,you shall be staying in one of  our natural type accommodation  with clean washrooms .

Being a Yoga centre, please expect only  purely Yoga  ashram-like living with not too much  luxury and such natural ashram environment is always conducive  to encourage our  yoga learning process . Although  modern facilities like Wi-Fi, hot water, and much more which, we feel, is now difficult to do without for the participant are available as per need .

We  represent an organic , return to nature, no harm to nature  and  a simpler way of living, which is very different to a hotel stay . We are sure that you would love and appreciate this dimension of living too which is more real and close to nature means close to our inner core – our own bliss body. Generally, there is a more community type  atmosphere and so often an expectation that students/ guests will  also pitch in to help our workers to help campus function smoothly under Good Karma .  So make it a memorable learning experience for yourself and  all present  around without any Anger .


24-hour hot &  cold water

Filtered – Free Drinking water

Free Detox  at our place only – Alkaline Mineral magic water to detox as per individual Needs

Attached and Non attached bathrooms 

Bed with Blankets, mattress, Bed sheet  only – No towel or any toiletries are given * Student should buy such stuff themselves .

Free Detox Tea – Max Three

Common Dining area along with – Traditional Old Himachali Village Type –  Rustic  Kitchen

Laundry service – Washing Machine available  and also  Available on reasonable payment –  very near to campus

Health & Hygiene

Offering our guests/students a clean campus is our utmost priority

Uses cleaning organic &Govt prescribed mixtures  that are effective against various Flu & coronavirus  .

Guest accommodation is disinfected periodically during stay tenure or whenever needed  .

Equipment like props ropes and others used for activities are disinfected before and/or after use.

The new norm of Physical distancing is a practice we all must agree upon

Cashless payment available.

Safety features

Hand sanitizer available in key areas.

Process in place to check the health of  participants

First aid kit available.

Protective masks are available for all staff and students

Note – Only fully vaccinated Students/Guests are welcome to apply

Start Dates : Every first Monday of the Month ( Note – Rarely A little change in the start day if any shall be intimated to you )

****Daily schedule

Our daily schedule

-Monday to Saturday
(Saturday Half day, Sunday off – for self studies)

Daily-Two practical / practice sessions General Multi-style Yoga Asanas (Physical postures) and Asana as per syllabus of school & IYA (Indian yoga Association)

Two lessons focusing on – Theory topics as per IYA syllabus/ covering various classical yoga texts revealing the philosophy of yoga, Anatomy as per yogic science along with study of nine systems of the human body and in-depth understanding of meditation practices

Yoga Session and other Timings:-

First lesson -Daily Morning (Mon to Saturday)

8 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Holistic Practice session
Details – Cleansing detox practices like nostril cleansing (Jal Neti) Eye Cleansing (Netar Dhoti) followed by Pranayama (Breathing) practices in the open on Himalayas rocks on campus with exposure to five elements (Panch bhutam)
Followed by Physical Postures (Asana)inside the studio. Yoga in this class is multi Style & varies from time to time, like from Hatha traditional & Sun salutations, Iyengar Inspired ropes etc. Relaxation is given by Guided Yoga Nidra practice for Bio feedback & overall well-being. Every Session ends at last with Prayers for humanity and Mantra Chantings.

Second lesson:- Multi Style yoga practice at 4 p.m. Monday to Friday

Third Lesson (Monday To Friday):-
6 p.m. to 7 p.m. -Yogic Philosophy as per syllabus from Ancient Indian Texts, Pranayama practices & Meditation by various techniques like Mudras, Trataka (Light gazing in dark room), Mantras etc.

Extra class can be taken on request

Dos & Don’t / General  RULES –

Once you book your course or Yoga retreat Vacation  , the guest/student should be happily ready to adhere to following Rules & Regulations in campus as a Yoga family member –  

Since Swaraj Yoga Inst & Wellness Retreats is a Yoga oriented campus and not a guesthouse, we expect from all from our retreatants and students to watch the accompanying standards – keeping in mind the true goal to keep up a environment helpful for internal reflection & facilitate best learning while studying as an ardent student for all present in the campus :

1.)    Yoga Students/Guests kindly don’t enter the Kitchen . But occasionally if you have been permitted to cook of your choice  is ok.

2.)    To help us to promote sattvic eating –  no meat,fish or any non veg food  are permitted .

3.)    Practicing quietness in all classes is appreciated but personal queries can be raised after the class 

4.)    We need to assure the wellbeing and safety of our Yoga Students/Guests. Subsequently, we request you to come back to the campus not later than 10 pm.

5.)    All Yoga Students/Guests are expected to take part in Yoga classes , Meditation sessions and prayers held from  day by day. No exemptions other than permitted because of some health issue.

6.)    Smoking, Alcohol, and Drugs of any sort are entirely not permitted.

7.)    To keep up quiet condition Please keep all music at a lowest level in your accommodation and no music device allowed to play after 10 pm.

8.)    This is your own campus , We request all students / Guests to help , respect each other to maintain  a conducive one family like environment and maintain a  perfect environment of love care and peace  in the campus and their accommodation.  No Anger is allowed.

10.)    Please participate and help us to maintain cleanliness as Karma Yoga is the best way to give back as your Seva to yoga campus.

11.) Use Respectfully dresses. (One must avoid shirts over the knee, Tank-Top Shirts or Tight and uncovering apparels).

12.) The friends, relatives, and outsiders related to students / Guests are not permitted to visit any accommodation inside the campus but can visit and meet the desired person in the reception area.

13.) Every individual will wash his own particular garments in the clothes washer and he/she will dry themselves. Paid service also available on reasonable charges

14)People are not permitted to share or change the accommodation without prior approval and sometimes required by campus working / weather circumstances,  Your accommodation can be changed .

Course Materials: Two sets of Tshirt and a Course  manual are provided as a part of the course material and are included in the course fee.

Language: The course is taught in English and in Hindi explanation is available for Indian Students

Please enquire before making any travel plans if you do not have a good command of both written and spoken English.

Evaluation of students is on:



Theory understanding during the course

Final written exam

A minimum combined score of 50% is required to pass.

Unsuccessful students will have to repeat the entire course with cost to qualify for the certificate

Supplemental Course Material:  Apart from the TTC manual, there are some recommended texts for the course. These are not included in the course fee and can be bought from our centre :

Extra Yoga Books  as per syllabus requirement

Bhagavad Gita

To maintain the spiritual atmosphere of the ashram guests please review Centres  Do’s & Don’ts

Things to Bring: These items can also be purchased at our centre .

Comfortable clothes




Personal items

Water bottle (Reusable, we try and limit the amount of single-use plastic)


Meditation shawl (for cool evenings)

Yoga asana mat

Meditation cushion

Notebooks and pens

Meals: Simple Indian vegetarian meals are provided twice daily . (It is not possible to cater to personal dietary preferences beyond the yogic-vegetarian meals from our side )

Indian StudentsInternational Students
Course Fee – without stay and food –  offline or online₹ 34500 ₹ 29000 $600 $550
Course Fee – Stay and Food  – (Shared Accommodation – Basic Comfort)₹ 85000 ₹ 72500 $1200 $1099
Course Fee – Stay and Food  – (Non -Shared Accommodation – Basic Comfort)₹ 90000 ₹ 80000/$1450 $1350
Course Fee – Stay and Food  – (Non -Shared Accommodation – Deluxe Comfort)₹ 990000 ₹ 90000/$1750 $1450
Course Fee – Stay and Food  – (Non -Shared Accommodation – Deluxe Comfort)N.A$2500 $1900

Certification Fees separately payable to IYA : Rs 1000 for Indian Nationals / $40 for non Indians

(Please note that the certification fees is different from course fees; course fees is as per norms of the hosting institution)

Note – Two students booking together and sharing (Non – shared basic/deluxe/super Deluxe) will get 10% discount on above price for each student.

Scholarship for Needy Students –Scholarship and Rebates are available for poor needy candidates  but deserving  only  subject to management approval. A separate request can be deposited with a special note (Max 200 words) .

What’s not included (include in Price)

  • Bus, railway or Airways fare
  • No insurance, medical or visa fee 
  • Yoga books (But available  on nominal price cost to cost)
  • Yoga Certification Board (Govt. of India) Yoga Exam fees

Cancellation Policy

Our revised cancellation policy for refund w.e.f 1st April 2023 is as follows —

Any time Ninety days before booking check in date
20 Percent of fifty percent paid advance as cancellation charges

Between 89 days to 30 days before booking check in date
— 40 – percent of fifty percent paid as cancellation charges

Between 29 days to
8 days –before booking, check in date
50 percent of fifty percent advance paid as cancellation charges

Between 7th days to arrival date

100 percent of fifty percent advance paid before booking check in date

If Cancellation by Swaraj Yoga Institute amount is 100% refundable

Refund after Joining the course – If student leaves within 3 days  after joining the class  The course fee mentioned without stay and food option will not be refunded for reason whatsoever. Where as other amount paid for food and stay shall be paid back as per the days stayed as per total package cost with in 3 days  . After 3 days of joining – The whole amount deposited is non-refundable .

Full refund will only be granted where SYIWR has had to cancel the programme.


Basic Comfort Rooms


Super Deluxe

For International Students

ICICI Bank limited
Swaraj yoga Institute and Wellness Retreats

Current account no

IFSC code
